As everybody knows, there is an event of a haze very recently and it broke the Singapore's record for having the highest PSI in history. Yeah and when the haze started, people were complaining about life being obstructed by the polluted air and #SGhaze is trending everywhere. People started taking pictures of themselves with masks and queue up for hours just to get a bloody N95 mask. Ya i know that this mask is really useful, it can help to block out the P.M2.5 which is so tiny that our nose cant filter it out but queuing for long hours just to get an expensive mask is really not worthy. I've also seen funny pictures on Facebook and Twitter of people using bread and leaves as mask. Ok thats creative but its also weird lah; Its forever crowded in Singapore and imagine wearing bread/leaves in the MRT or in a bus... O_O
And now, the holidays ended and the haze also ended.. so a few days ago people were all begging for the haze to return (including me, haha) i know a lot of you guys can relate to this unless you love going to school or to study. Thats the generation now, DUH?! Which Singaporean don't like to "eat snake"? i believe that everyone of us do! And if any of you felt uncomfortable because of the haze, please stay indoors as much as you can and drink plenty of water! The weather is very hot nowadays, it hardly rains and theres always not much clouds in the afternoon(from what i've seen) so do stay hydrated especially those with medical history. Oh and local blogger/youtuber Jian Hao posted a video on YouTube about the haze so do go check it out! ^^ And i find it kinda weird that some of my friends don't know him or popular people like Pei Shi or Dee Kosh ._. dk what era are they in... ok this doesn't concern the haze X) Anyway, take care of yourself and if the PSI level increases again to the unhealthy level, try to stay in an air conditioned room, shut the windows but of course allow ventilation, don't suffocate yourself! >.< Stop all outdoor activities and go get a mask. Actually to me a normal surgical mask is enough unless the PSI hits up to 400 again, then get a N95. Oh yeah and MOE said that they will consider closing school when the PSI reach the HAZARDOUS level. Based on what we're having now... i don't think thats possible unless the farmers in Indonesia decides to start burning again. yeah and we'll have e-learning but at least thats better than going to school mahh... no need to face scoldings from teachers and can sleep late late hahaha :P hmmm... To be honest, i was quite angry with those Indonesians for burning down mother nature. We're now already having global warming and the minster also said that we behave like children complaining and crying over A LITTLE BIT of haze. yeah 400 is a bit uh? But i heard that the minster had apologised and they already stopped all their actions which is good for nature but what does that mean? yeah all normal activities shall resume. Oh and you can chack out this website : for updates on the air conditon. yeah i got this picture at the top from that website :3 anyway, thats about it and do share with me your thoughts about the haze in the comments section and do tell me on how to improve my blog! ^^ i would really appreciate it and no negative comments please, thx :) and remember to check out Jian Hao's Blog and his youtube channel! His videos are awesome and you are sure to LOL. Thank you for reading, every single one of you so ya, bye bye~~ :D
Haha :)